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ASP/ VB Dot Net Training/Internship Program

Prevoir Infotech is one of the only company working on different ASP & VB .Net platforms with SQL server. We are award winning and top results oriented development and training programs providing company. Hence, we are providing opportunity to the candidates to work with us in our live projects by applying for training/internship programs. If you are looking for an industrial training in .Net then we are the best option for you as we can assure you for your 100% skilled development & training. Here, The candidates want to build career in .net technology can apply to us. Live projects, expert developers, international industrial standards and working with latest frame works Basically, Asp.Net is a server side web application framework for web development and desktop application development by Microsoft. We have a team of expert technominds working on Dot net. They will guide you in your training period which will help you in gaining experience of working with the experts.

Complete Dot Net Training is Sub-Divided Into Two Main Phases:
(1) Phase 1- Introduction of Asp.Net, Html, CSS, Java Script, Web Forms creation, Master pages, Themes, validations, C# fundamental, Sql server etc.

(2) Phase 2- ASP.NET Web Services, ADO.NET (Working with Database), Uploading Files, File I/O and Streams, Security, Membership & Roles, User Controls, Deployment, Web Services, WCF and many more.

* 6 Months for MCA internship candidates.

* 45 Days, 30 Days, 60 Days, 6 Months for B.Tech training candidates.

* 90% attendance is compulsary.
* International Standards, Practical learning from first day.
* No theory or class roon lectures.
* Certification valid for all Govt, private universities and colleges at India & International level.
* Record says, about 8 out of 10 trainees are getting appointment in Prevoir Infotech, Rest is geting good career in different organizations.

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